Mission: Our mission is to create positive influence and lasting impact for local Thai communities and society as a whole through grassroots efforts. It is through awareness, education and compassion that our communities and our volunteers will further promote change on a global level.
Since 2008, the journey of the International Volunteer Community Association (IVCA) had begun before being officially registered. We started off by inviting friends to become members and join us on our journey and share our mission. The group, named “Let’s Volunteer”, gathered to create social activities during the holidays or after school. The group was led by Mr. Kittisak Nuanwilai, the President of IVCA at the time. Most of the activities at that time focused on collaborating with local NGO groups in order to simply participate in their efforts as much as possible,
In 2012, our group officially registered, founded the organization after becoming known, and was able to create a more comprehensive network. Also, we increased participation with government agencies, especially with small schools in the community and various forest conservation groups. At this point, we started to use the name International Volunteer Community Association, and have been known as IVCA ever since.
In the beginning, we were able to solicit donations from members to use as funds to drive the organization. At that time, we focused on forest conservation in the local community with a forest called “Phadam Forest”. The Phadam Forest is the most critical watershed forest in Songkhla province as it is being rapidly destroyed and we continue to focus our energy on preserving its natural state. Meanwhile, we are still continually active with many different projects related to education. These include volunteer teacher projects, school building repair projects, and English language camps.
Since 2015, we have had the idea to invite foreign volunteers to join our organization to further enhance our achievements within our society and ultimately, the world. Our goal is to elevate the organization to an international level, driving our activities forward to steadily amplify our accomplishments.
From the year 2020 to present, we have cancelled the fee and cancelled the project “Volunteer tourism”. We have issued a “no money” policy, so the association’s activities will continue to run using a competitive method. That, or accepting donations from our valued donors. While organizing all activities the money must be paid in full for that project by the committee, or the participants, as we do not receive any government funding or profits from these activities. “We want to be an organization that truly creates volunteer work.” Everyone is different, different occupations, different mindsets, everybody is doing their own thing. But by coming together and working alongside our Volunteer Community Association we are making a small sacrifice from our day to day lives to create a huge impact. By spreading our vision, we’ll ultimately be making world a better place to be, not just for us, but for future generations who will call this place home for billions of years to come.